Designer Floor Cushions Decorative Ideas

Designer floor cushions are attractive and convenient additions that can make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of a room. They’ll brighten up your home and with the wide array of prints and colors, add a hint of life and drama.

These cool designer floor cushions are an amazing option for those looking to incorporate nice seating options that can be done away with when not in use. When not in use showcase the pillows in elegant patterns on a sofa, upholstered bed, and couch. These lovely tapestry cushions are likely to suit any setting contemporary or transitional.

Country Garden B by Klimt Belgian Sofa Pillow Cover

Beautify any family room with this lovely floor pillow in floral print. The bold colors add some artistic feels.

Le Petit Paradis Yellow French Pillow Cushion

This eye-captivating designer floor cushion is perfect for display on low beds or couches.

Lapin Bleu French Pillow Cushion

This made in Frace floor pillow is perfect for animal lovers.


Add some artistic and eclectic appeal to your home with a wide range of decorative pillows online at Save on Wallart.


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